hummm menarik trailer tu..sape ek director tu according to vid nama dia nadiah hamzah. who is she? the short film will release on march, cant wait for that thoo.. ok let me share the trailer. n the bckground music is super duper awesome YUNA OH~!
Monday, January 31, 2011
heee... xder sape pun yg penakut. tu title lagu yuna. tadi skodeng tumblr yuna. yeah tumblr..skang menjadi kegilaan! yuna ada post vid trailer short film HUJAN PANAS, n ada soundtrack frm yuna PENAKUT.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
alhamdulillah rupanya kepayahan minggu lepas terbalas jua akhirnya terima kasih allah~ hehe 3bulan penantian akhirnya weyhhhhh penerbit rancangan b17 here i come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
org pertama yg aku col, of coz laaa mama...pastu baru justin. n pastu baru aku col my bestest fren IDA dia dh keje ngan kementerian penerangan cuma lain jabatan. heeeeeeeeeeee ida ckp meremang bulu roma dia bila aku ckp aku dapat keje gomen. dia kate kalo aku ada dekat ngan dia, dia nk gomol2 aku apakah? hehehe haruslah kalo ko sebelah aku ida...aku ciom2 ko...lantak laaa org nk kata apa. SAYA GAY,SAYA OK hahahahahha...
ida ckp kalo nk keje gomen kena SABAR, ya allah mmg btol ckp ida.... SABAR tu kunci utama, tgk saja lah apa yg berlaku sebelum ini... tapi takpe aku x slhkan sesapa, mungkin begitu rupanya menjadi boss...bila akal dan nafsu menguasai diri, dia mungkin sewenang2nya melemparkan tuduhan palsu, tp tuhan tu maha adil. aku sentiasa doakan kejayaan dia. amin ya rabbala'alamin
ouh2....justin bilang, "pegawai tu...nti b tglkan ayg tak?" heh? haha.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
goodbye sarakids..welll hello shopperlicious
hee... tak tahu nk start dr mana. but many thx to allah s.w.t. dr dia aku memohon dr dia juga lah aku meminta.
sedih rsnya nk tinggalkan keje lama, but yeah mybe tis is turning point aku nk mula bissness sndri (tgu SPA yg ado laaa kan) *dusyummm. las sunday my 1st booth @pasar FAMA, hee nervous... a lot happens b4 tat, tp nasib ada family n justin encourage m to make it happen. best sgt niaga kt sana. im selling shoes from SHOPPERLICIOUS n my pre-love items, book, trench coat,skirt,blouse n etc...
humm...tu je la kot. xde idea dh..lapa lom bekpes.
rigth on peeps!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
BFF CONTEST-eightdesigns boutique
hehehe tahu contest ni dr blog maria 

so picture of mine sending to eightdesings is
smpai+tgkp gmbr+mkn+suping funfair+jerit2+minum air laut byk+banana boat+men street fighter + adnan sempit = SYOK GILE- taken from my cousin fb album ayin@Chiastudio n nana@caal

tis is scarflets.... tis is what maria elena last post talking about.
cantik kan....n so colorful but the most important is all of the girl wearing hijab n hv a cocky fashion....comel dowh cute(ugly but adorable) - yeah my english teacher told m wat is cute is hehehe.... but seriously i love to see more of scarflets pic. righ on peeps! good job
what a beautiful day
nenek..nenek...mana nenek~
wuargghhhhhh...syok nya bangun pagi2 xyah gi keje. sat2 nk col Bellaragazza Lavivace "helo babe per plan?" hahaha - I PRONOUNCE MYSELF AS CEO LADANG ANGGUR starting from now! :p *ainaubeingsosarcastic dowh.
"where are u?"
"home la babeh"
"gila......itu lah,sudah laaa jgn byk pikir...jom teman i jalan"
"takda hal, tp sat ai uruskan nenek ai yg sakit ni"
"no sweat! meet u tonite u darl~ muah"
"hahaha hate u, sial ah jobless"
"no worries babe, i will advice u sumthing, do bussiness la geng...nowsday all about money...tats why aku x keje ngan company melayu...cita pompang2 apa pun chia meet u 2nite la...ko kate nk tgk2 nenek lu dulu"
"hahahhaa...right on babe"
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
until the end of time

wahhhh lamenya x dgr lagu ni. ai dgr lagu ni lama dah mase tu '98 i think.. it was from innuendo 1st album. but malam tadi my fb fren tynnie jamil share link kat youtube but unfortunately its not an officially vid. last time ai ada donlod vids lagu tu gak cover version also. so ai want to share wit my silent blogger reader (hehehe tlg la coment blog ai, i know there is someone out there) bweek..
yeah..its sweet. it is my dream to play tis song during my wedding. ngah pikir nk play audio or invite pot amir to sing hehe, bcoz ada 1 time ai pnah chat thru fb ngan dia, ai tye ada x dia simpan archive tis song, but he reply no he havent, but he can sing tis song wit his new group haha cam mahal jer? peeps wish m luck~ luck? hehe apakah?


MAKE A REGISTRATION NOW!!! OR U WILL REGRET LATER. - click for info & registration

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

last friday i went to Get gorgeous boutique. Memang 100% gorgeous ok...from the owner, interior and last but not least mestilah outfit nya kan. Best sgt, sbnrnya ai dh lame tahu pasal GETGORGEOUS ni, slame ni tgk online jer, n finally dpt gak pegi physical store dorang. pegi ngan cut. yg bestnya lom gaji tapi dh shopping? camne tuh? hahah shhhh rahsia! mula surf dorang byk normal size but now dorang ada plus size dress taw. but of course la limited design, so azam tahun baru GET SLIM SHADDY OKEYH.hehe.... owner dia AZLIA IDHA mmg sgt lawa kulit flawless, very humble n muke dia cantik cam noniswara ok. Adik dia sgt stylish ALIA IDHA, dia lah byk suggest outfit kat ai n cut. n u guys jgn jeles keyh ai dpt snap pic wit the owner, wieyyyy ouh yer her sister ada snap pic i tutorial pakai hijab, sgt kelakar... but thx to MARIA ELENA ZARUL, pasal sbnrya i 4low her style but tukar2 skit la mengikut size muke ai yg kembang umpana bunga teratai ni.
ok jom share pic (~..~)

so TARAAAA!!!!

so peeps....check out tis website k


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