ni lah satu2 bunga inside tis band!! isnt shes cute?? wieyyyy

Sounds straight from the twilight
Has me up all night I can't
Fall asleep coz I keep thinking of you
And I saw a shadow, outside my window
And it's you!
All my sorrows flew away,
Hush keep quiet hear me say
I don't ever want you to go
Please stay
With the moonlight dancing free
And there's no one but you and me
There's no reason to go astray
Please stay
Making up a story
It's the way you're looking at me
If you think that this is funny
It's just you
Try and think about it
If your heart is closed don't lock it
Keep your keys back in your pocket, think this through
malam tadi before me n my adik went to sleep...kiteorg sesame layan youtube v/clip estrella "stay". best sgt...huhuhu. so arini aku dengan rase baik hati nya...telah menge "post" lyric. nak upload video...kurang mahir skit... yelah im still new as a blogger!
dalam byk2 line word dlm lyric ni aku plg suka yg ni
"Making up a story
It's the way you're looking at me
If you think that this is funny
It's just you"
agak nyer kalau ex- bf aku bace lyric ni dia akan memahami x? mungkin tidak...dia bukan sahaja x romantik..malah hati batu...kepala batu...sume pun ada laa... haish...
tapi xper resolution new year...forget a past!!! i deserved better bf than him!!! hurmmm hahahaha.. so lupe kan dia carik aje yg lain.
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