Wednesday, December 29, 2010
cantek kan?
lagi entry pasal maria
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
maria elena tutorial
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
ha..macam ni la
what can i say u D>N>A "u are little rascal! SNOBish ? hihihi
ceritanya bermula...dipetang yg hujan...sgt indah. wlopun hujan maintain nk gi gak shopperlicious. kawan ai punya psl..janji dtg heee... sampai dpt well greeting dr cik manje sgt. hehe dia terkejut of coz ain dtg dgn penuh kesopanan uweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkk. hehe. thx manja fo the shoe. slalu sgt lain reserved lain bli kan.
ok2 xmo cite pasal shopping nti ada org marah...hahaha tp shopping la ai marah diri sndri ni kan. so i beli cute handbag from D>N>A. and u know laa when u buy sumthing from star ni kite mesti nk haha shes skeptical ok sgt! maybe coz my hijab. or maybe perasaan ai je tp pliz laaa i think u very rude. u knw y i said tat sorry aaa tis is my opinion if u x suke xpe if suke u baca aja.
ai tya dia "kak u still breastfeed ur anak ker?"
she reply " ya ya ya"
heeee ok fine. kelas kan standard jawapan sume artis.
pastu ai reply la bcoz las time ada minah ni dtg kata dia p.a star kite ni, dtg nk bli breastshield tp ai kate abis...ptg baru smp. tp disebabkan i sedeyh sgt hahah dgr cite minah ni coz u ttgl la sbnrnye breastshield tu.. sbnrnye u mls mo blk umh amik pasal u shooting @ ur mother house which is i pon tak tahu kat mana pasal minah ni dok sibuk bagi tahu i location nyer. so dgn rela hati i col boss i tya macam mana. so last decision we all kasik u pinjam pasal u shoot pun pasal ruangan tu ada kn mengena ngan butik kteorg. tp yg ai rase u ni rude leh repy cammi...(ai igt u pasal dh sentapkan)
"p.a? mana i ada p.a scary kay"
WAT THE FISH. kalo u guys ape u guys rase. bile kite ni konon2 nk buat ramah tp dia reply camtu sbb ai rase kalo ai tak tegor or snap pic wit i pon xbrapa nk sbb handbag kenit ngan breastshield(yang penting)tu i konon2 laaaa mo amik gambo! hehe usualy people take pic wit m okay! bukan nk perasan pasal ai ni lagi mengalah kan STAR! ala baru shout award n ntah apa award kire ok la tu... hehe so moral of story xyah tegur artis2 mcm ni,,,buang masa buang karan! kalo dorang dok niaga...xyah beli! eh? hahaha nyesal ker? KELAS KO MARIAH!!!!!
p/s still minat FAZ wlpon dia free hair shes my inspired to wear. sbb tgk dia dalam qaisy&laila. kalo faz kekwat haha cam x heran pasal ai rase dia mmg camtu :) sorry kak faz terkutuk u jgn tarik rambut ai ok.
Friday, December 3, 2010
call me ANNE SARA hehehe

ya! berhabuk sudah blog aku ni weyh. mmg byk pekara menarik yg berlaku but malas nk update haha kan? malas la mo kasik tahu org lain. ai suke simpan dalam je. but my life interesting so far. life ouuuuhhhh i just love myself and ALLAH subhanallah. masih lagi dia bagi aku peluang utk bernafas. wlopon apa yg aku dah buat selama ini mmg tidak setimpal dengan kasih yg DIA beri pada ku.
my karier:
still working at SARAKIDS. wat a wondahhhfulll place. evryday is a challenge. MY Boss just a fantastical woman, shes now one of my inspiring idol. her spirit...her thought. everything. shes know how to handle problems. insyaallah m and all of staff always pray wat the best for her n SARAKIDS>. ouh ya sarakids, just now.... all of staff seronok guna a nick name... like m i love to call AINA SARA, kalo norul like NORUL SARA, ain= AIN SARA n k.irma= IRMA SARA.. cool aite. but the original sara just used YAYA! hahaha funny aite.
i really admirer PN.FARAH FARHAN my boss la tu. shes not like other lady boss yg too bossy. shes always treat us like SISTER...ya.. at office we call her just KAK.FARA. ntah laaa aku btol kagum! bg lah dugaan apa pada dia. shes can handle. ya of coz behind all success of woman have a man hehehehe cam terbalik je kan. her hubby also supportive, ABG SAIFUL.
k.farah very genuine person. is not like i want to ampu her or need k!!! i xyah ampu2 dia ok. im just not...heheh gaji i still kna tolak EPF k. hahaha ok ! -END- ( nti update lagi...sbb kiteorg ada ANNUAL DINNER k.farah kalo bace ni pls aaa wat grand2..pasal kiteorg sume nk release tension! haha penat kak layan drama minggu ini)
love life:
hehehehehe dia kate lagi 2tahun...alih2 bg discount lak. tahun depan ngam2.... sempat ker? harga barang sume naik ni..ape la najib, bagi rm500 tapi amik balik..supe xyah...abis kite yg pvt sector ni camno'? xde sape woi bagi we all rm500 ehem..ehem...kak farah.......... hehehe gurau2!
maybe my justin cannot tahan. hahaha bcoz yah im wearing hijab now! dunno i just want to pakai. planning after married but after one incident i just realize why dun start now. why must after married im wearing not just bcoz of i've wearing becoz FOR HIM. ALLAH s.w.t. alhamdullah. so after married pakai purdah plak la..hahahhaa why noy. just save for the best haha. hummmmmm hehehe i tot after im wearing my frens akan menjauhkan diri...but im wrong...just wrong hunny... they support me a lot... my best2 fren sinah, acut...hadi... sume2 laa..colleague @sarakids.. k.farah siap pesan pakai la aina comel! hehe geez thx! ouh ye tgh nk bgth ida je ni...dia lah antara org yg i rase i nk pakai. sbb dia sgt cantik ok! cantik sgt pakai hijab althou she ask me tat ye ker dia dress up like makcik2...wat the hell u gorjos babe. lantak la makcik2 ker ape datin2 ker ape...shes just sgt cantik ok. i always pray for her...harap dia dpt jodoh yg bagus2...sbb shes suffer enough frm previous love hehe... sabar ye ida. pi lantak la ngan jantan kaberet tu. berbalik pada my justin ni..hehehe ya dia slalu perli2 mcm after his touched my hair...hes always ask me to simpan rambut. i tot..keep longer..but im totally wrong..hmmm so i get it. i know hes wants m to simpan dalam hijab. hes always cerita2 to me pasal dosa org x bertudung.. sbb aritu dia dgr tazkirah. :) ya syg i love u. n i know u love me more. hehe mummy ayg loves me x? mummy ex- b dulu x syg b pasal b org KL gaga whats wrong being anak jati kl? bongok!
ok -END- (xleh nak lama2 nti terngumpat dosa oiii kang korang pun dpt dosa kering)
so yahhhh! my life great dun ask me HOWS LIFE hehehe coz i just had enough of time to tell u peeps!
c u soon!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
justin who?
my justin? what bieber? is justin timberlake baru lah SHE'S MY SExY BACK YEAHHH~ haha.. dia kt sabah lik kampung raye.... rindunye.... tahun ni we all decide nk pakai jubah.. ewaahhh ala2 cite ayat2 cinta gitu. dia fahri aku aisha haha..lebeyh sudah ni. ari ni nk share pic jubah yg bakal kami pakai hehe... aku punya dh kompom..tinggal justin punya jer lom jumpe lagi....arini aku baru nk gi survey kan tuk justin, pasal dia dh lik sabah tak sempat nk bli.

ai...sukenya nk raya...pose pon tak cukup opss.. xpe la setahun sekali. ok guys selamat menyambut bulan syawal yg mendatang, puase jgn tinggal, blanje jgn boros... and for sexy mommies out there do come visit me @SARAKIDS bleh shopping baju anak...heeee(promote2..)

Saturday, June 19, 2010
happy birthday YAYA
arini 19/06/2010 birthday yaya k.farah 1st daughter, buat kt denai alam horse ranch. best sgt... glamourous... sy ditugaskan tok sediakan video, slide show pic of bday girl.
joe zakaria the photographer help wit the video... tp arini saya upload storyboard yg say buat sndri la ek... real video wit boss.. :) hope she like it~
HAPPY BDAY PUTERI SARA AZALEA (very cute girl same age wit late ARMANI, armani u still in ours memory...aunty n ibu always love u)
Thursday, June 10, 2010
tu dia.... yg jeling2 manje tuh~
dia skang jauh kt oversea .....kt SABAH jauh kan?
lagi 2minggu dia blk laaa kl..... ari2 sy sms dia... tiap2 malam dia call saya... tp masih rindu jugak.
nti dia balik kl... sy nk korek idong dia yg besau tu huhuhuhuhu....
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
nEw cHapter: riSE~rise~
1st my love life: me &hafizul(ayg)
sedar x sedar 1tahun dh kiteorg bersama... 8th june ni mmg ngam2 laaa 1year. byk yg kami share bersama... episode suke duke tu mmg dh jd rutin harian. during 1 year with him...hes more calm n simple rather than me. i love him n i know hes love me more auwchhh... :P
hes attitude guide me to be a better person...more relax and i've learn so many thing to be modest.
we start to planning our life but yes only ALLAH swt will decide for us. i hope hes will pray same like i was pray for living 2gether.
2nd my live life: only me
setahun jugak aku xder keje tetap but tis month(june) a new good start for me. NEW JOB~
i'm working with amazing kak farah shes has kids store name SARAKIDS . my position as assist.administrator. althought its a small company but i love what are they selling.... YES I LOVE KIDS cant wait to hv one heee...INSYAALLAH AKU AKAN BEKERJA BERSUNGGUH2 DAN SENTIASA IKHLAS DLM MELAKUKAN SEGALA PEKERJAAN AMIN~
3rd my bitter life: me & ayg
just now hes chat wit me at facebook hes said he wants to fly to sabah....sabah is hes hometown. aku x bleh halang aku sedih...takut....macam2 yg aku pikirkan. but he promise wont stay long at sabah. i trust him. (POSITIVE AINA~POSITIVE~)

Friday, March 12, 2010
Always Be My Baby lyrics
David Cook - Always Be My Baby lyrics
We were as one babe
For a moment in time
And it seemed everlasting
That you would always be mine
Now you want to be free
So I'm letting you fly
Cause I know in my heart babe
Our love will never die, noooooo
You'll always be a part of me
I'm a part of you indefinitely
Girl don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
I ain't gonna cry no
And I won't beg you to stay
If you're determined to leave girl
I will not stand in your way
But inevitably you'll be back again
Cause ya know in your heart babe
Our love will never end no
You'll always be a part of me
I'm part of you indefinitely
Girl don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on
Time cant erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
I know that you'll be back girl
When your days and your nights
get a little bit colder oooohhh
I know that, you'll be right back
Ooooh! baby believe me it's only a matter of time
You'll always be a part of me
I'm part of you indefinitely
Girl don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my, baby....
You'll always be apart of me (you will always be)
I'm part of you indefinitely
Girl don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on (we will linger on)
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
You will always be my baby
Ong kedek..kedek…. sweet kan? Kan? Xder sape pun dedicate lagu ni kat aku…. Aku sendiri nyanyi tuk diri sendiri…. Kalau ayg nyanyi, dia nyanyi lagu mili vanilli. Old skool gile!!! tua dah ayg ni rupe nyer hahaha….