1st my love life: me &hafizul(ayg)
sedar x sedar 1tahun dh kiteorg bersama... 8th june ni mmg ngam2 laaa 1year. byk yg kami share bersama... episode suke duke tu mmg dh jd rutin harian. during 1 year with him...hes more calm n simple rather than me. i love him n i know hes love me more auwchhh... :P
hes attitude guide me to be a better person...more relax and i've learn so many thing to be modest.
we start to planning our life but yes only ALLAH swt will decide for us. i hope hes will pray same like i was pray for living 2gether.
2nd my live life: only me
setahun jugak aku xder keje tetap but tis month(june) a new good start for me. NEW JOB~
i'm working with amazing kak farah shes has kids store name SARAKIDS . my position as assist.administrator. althought its a small company but i love what are they selling.... YES I LOVE KIDS cant wait to hv one heee...INSYAALLAH AKU AKAN BEKERJA BERSUNGGUH2 DAN SENTIASA IKHLAS DLM MELAKUKAN SEGALA PEKERJAAN AMIN~
3rd my bitter life: me & ayg
just now hes chat wit me at facebook hes said he wants to fly to sabah....sabah is hes hometown. aku x bleh halang dia....ye aku sedih...takut....macam2 yg aku pikirkan. but he promise wont stay long at sabah. i trust him. (POSITIVE AINA~POSITIVE~)

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