Thursday, February 10, 2011

new tutorial~

humm leteyh laa nk marah2 jom layan hijab tutorial, this time from
not bad...she make her hijab look like hana tajima style. so peeps enjoy :)

what's wrong with you?

yeah what's wrong with u man? you're the one who create the mistake but why u put all your mistakes to others???? damn yuh!!!!
dr malam td ai x dpt tidor lena memikirkan musibah yg menimpa kawan ai.

hmmmmm....hish..memang laa sume ni xde kena mengena ngan ai, tp ape yg dorang buat kat kawan ai ni mmg btol2 menaikkan amarah ai! geram nye.. weyh xde sp buat cite pasal ko, ko sndri yg buat cite tu sndri, then nk blamed org. stop it, lu kater lu org pandai...kaya...blaja smp oversea tp perangai sekoq2 cam org ulu dok soromban! eh mmg ko tu duk soromban kan?

anne...sbar anne.... bwk bertenang, xpe2... tuhan tu maha adil, tuhan tu xpernah penat menolong hamba-nya yg tertindas

to my beloved friend , I know you strong girl, n I know you'll get through all this rubbish thing. just ignore them. they not good as much as you. no one gonna blamed you hunny.. all knows that man who the one is PSYCHOTIC not you.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


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Sunday, February 6, 2011

justin, me & abaya

hurm... hehe macam mana nk cite ni. nti org kate aku ni riak plak. xpe2... sharing is boring~ haha
nk jugak share.
last saturday tu, tetiba moi justin ajak gi beli jubah, so dlm pale otak ni mesti dia nk beli jubah lelaki morocco tuk diri dia... so ai diam2 jer laaa... skali dia ckp lagi

justin: " b pun beli jugak nye... nti b pilih jugak... b beli satu senang nti nk gi smyg kt masjid xdela pakai skirt singkat-singkat"

gulp~ hehe terkono den. dalam hati ni melompat2 keriangan..yaiy!yaiy~ ayg nk bli abaya.

so bermula perjalanan ker kedai jubah kt tmn.melewar, gombak. cam biasa laaa ai senyum-senyum, yelah ati berbunga-bunga bile ada org nk blanje... skali justin ckp lagi

justin: " haaa pe tu senyum?"

ai....senyum pun salah

justin: " pas ni gi keje b pakai jubah jer... pasni xde lagi dorothy perkin ker ape?"

what? ooooooo rupernye dia xbg lagi gi dorothy hehe.. hmmm yela syg ku manje... pasni pakai jubah je...

justin ckp pakai jubah cantik, cam mummy dia kt sandakan, ari2 gi keje pakai jubah. heee...
I LOVE U MUMMY, eh..silap... I LOVE U SAYANG~ so arini nk share pic me & him...both in jubah~ or abaya..or abayat or watvever thing u called it!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

berkata bodoh pada org x membuatkan diri menjadi lebih pandai.

teringat plak al kisah sorang member ni….member ker? hmmm boleh laaa…

dia…ok, but certain thing he a lil bit orthodox. im not really sure wat he think about m but im sure his envy me hahahaha OMG like i care. mungkin laaa…

tak semua suka dengan perubahan diri kita. and i never claimed myself tat im too holy after im wearing hijab. im wearing bcoz i want to wear and i think tis is a right

time for me to change. and yes not all of me will change automatically, i know im not perfect i still ngumpat2…talk too much…laughing out loud… jalan lompat2… n i know all kinda look tat ala… pakai je tudung tp perangai cam ape jer? wutttttttttttttttt the heck?

camon laaa u not supposedly to judge gurl wearing hijab wit tat kind of attitude they just need a time for give themselves to change but in slow move.

patutnya ko doa kan laa yg baik2 tuk dia… bukan nya mengutuk dia, so skang ni sapa yg lebih teruk… org yg berubah…atau org yg mngutuk org yg berubah? eh? paham x? hehehee….

and 1 thing i’ve read 1 article at i luvislam, its okay if she wearing hijab but then her attitude never change at least she hv encourage to change herself drpd org yg xmo berubah apa2…kan?

xpe laaa mungkin member i tu rase dia dh cukup bagus…sudah kawen…ada anak ramai….bini ko keje nya bagus… tapi ko? apa an sih kerja mu? hahahaha kesian~

kahsian deh lo~

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

kongsi kong kongsi kong sini yaappp~


hamboi meriah sakan bunga api kt kepong ni weyh...kalah bom kt mesir tu. heran mn pg balai polis bergerak...oii abg2 polis yng ensem, gi wat reflexiology ka? hehehe..

erm...teringat lak incident ptg td. td ptg gi SUMMIT ngan moi justin, dia ajak bli brg nk gi picnic esk.. hum...ayat2 punya ayat *ayt dr mlm smlm kot* heeee justin blikan boot yaiy! ai dh ade boot hoyeh hoyeh *smbilgelek2bontot* bli kt kedai cina, c leng chai promoter yg nm nye david berborak2 mesra ngan ai

ai: "aiyaa david kasik kurang lagi lo.. 100 boleh laa? ala boleh laaa...esk ai mo blk raya wo"

david: " aikk yu pun raya ka?" *ooosgtsinical*

ai : " mesti, ai bukan raya melayu... ai raya cina saja" *smbilwatmukecute*

david pun gelak2 terpaksa

hmmm racist ka aku? ka racist ka david? ape2 pun...its holiday maaa suma pon mo RAYA! ho leng woooooo...

p/s mama ckp ain ko jgn la mintak kt zul tu macam2 kang bankrup pulak budak tu. *hish mama ni tgh syg kan? heee mintak sajork! nti dh kawen...haram...mesti xlayan heee

status for today:I HEART JUSTIN