Thursday, February 10, 2011

what's wrong with you?

yeah what's wrong with u man? you're the one who create the mistake but why u put all your mistakes to others???? damn yuh!!!!
dr malam td ai x dpt tidor lena memikirkan musibah yg menimpa kawan ai.

hmmmmm....hish..memang laa sume ni xde kena mengena ngan ai, tp ape yg dorang buat kat kawan ai ni mmg btol2 menaikkan amarah ai! geram nye.. weyh xde sp buat cite pasal ko, ko sndri yg buat cite tu sndri, then nk blamed org. stop it, lu kater lu org pandai...kaya...blaja smp oversea tp perangai sekoq2 cam org ulu dok soromban! eh mmg ko tu duk soromban kan?

anne...sbar anne.... bwk bertenang, xpe2... tuhan tu maha adil, tuhan tu xpernah penat menolong hamba-nya yg tertindas

to my beloved friend , I know you strong girl, n I know you'll get through all this rubbish thing. just ignore them. they not good as much as you. no one gonna blamed you hunny.. all knows that man who the one is PSYCHOTIC not you.

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